Monday, September 8, 2008

I think there is something seriously wrong with me

I must make an appointment with the doctor to get a referral to some kind of psych person. I THINK I'm firing on all cylinders but sometimes not so much. The last time I washed my hair was 6 days ago and even then, I didn't actually wash it, the guy at the hair salon did. I have been putting off and putting off washing my hair because it takes so god damn long to actually do. Holding your hands up like that to wash the amount of hair I have is draining to me - emotionally more than physically too mind you which I think is even worse. *sigh* I can't put it off any longer though as I'm starting to move into that homeless-person-festy-hair arena which will make me feel even more shit. It's a vicious, vicious cycle. The itchiness and dandruff is starting to really bug me now and more to the point, I'm bugged as to WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I WASH MY HAIR EVERY 2 DAYS LIKE A NORMAL PERSON? Being AWARE of my eccentricities is really stressful. Perhaps a professional psych person will be able to shed some light on the situation for me. And give me a prescription for a magic pill. I know though that they will tell me to stop drinking (which is only occassionally mind) and to start exercising. Oh god, there ARE other issues going on in my life which I have issues with, but for today, that is a small little snapshot into the one of many.

My boyfriend and I are meeting up with an out-of-town couple/friends this evening so I can't procrastinate any longer about hopping into the shower and washing my hair. There is also the issue of the hair on other parts of my body - legs... bikini line... chin... underarms... moustache (yes, I'm a chick). Why oh WHY is it SO god damn time consuming being a woman? It's all so high maintenance and time consuming and no wonder I never have time to clean the house like I've been saying I would for the past hmmm 4 years. I find it all very overwhelming. I'm going to miss Australian Idol tonight too... I think I'm going to have a really fucking nice glass of cold fizzy champagne or 3 this evening when I meet up with my friends. I can hardly wait for those glorious little bubbles to make their way up to my head and de-fuzz all the madness and frenzy. *bliss*

I had red wine yesterday and it sent me unusually loco at my boyfriend. Although I think I'm a tad loopy, my boyfriend is the one person who I avoid being crazy AT, he is my little peaceful nirvana in this mad, mad world, but that line of thought seemed to go off the radar yesterday arvo. Nothing bad mind you, he just wouldn't agree to re-constructing a pool table under the house when I wanted him to, on the way home from my Father's Day outing, after my sole consumption of a bottle of Cab Sav. I thought it was an amazing idea to spend the rest of the Sunday afternoon together just hanging out and playing pool and drinking and listening to some great music. Drowning out those Sunday afternoon blues of the week of work ahead, you know? Instead, I opened up bottle of red wine numero deux and confused myself with thoughts about how perhaps it would be better if we didn't live together any more and bla bla bla - the thought of which 3 hours later after I'd simmered back down to normalville sounded all completely neurotic and ridiculously over the top. Am I bipolar? I don't know. A few hours thereon, after I'd gotten over myself, we did end up having some great sex later in the evening, a LOT more wilder than usual as I have actually been on his case to get out of his little comfort zone when it comes to all things sensual and physical in the bedroom. All of a sudden he was using his hands in a wonderfully manly, strong and purposeful way as opposed to the fish-weak way he usually does, which never gets me turned on. So, it was amazing.

Anyway, got to go and do that hair.


Erika said...

Thank you for your support on my blog. I hope you don't mind me following you as well!

Miss Brisbane said...

Absolutely not - WELCOME! :)
