Saturday, September 6, 2008

All bright and new and shiny and happy

It's like a little new born baby, isn't it? The first post of a blog that is. It's like you're scared to sit down and actually put your fingers to the keyboard because you just don't want anything shit to come out on the screen - you want to make an impression right from the get-go to the legions of new invisible readers - the pressure is immense! I've just re-read what I've written so far and I think... I think I'm gonna be OK. *fingers crossed* All of this is said very tongue in cheek mind you... kind of. Ha!

When I decided yesterday, after reading a girl's blog and being inspired by said blog to write my own blog, a nervousness came over and pervaded me for a good couple of hours. Because when there is nothing between you and honesty but the intermittent tap tap tap of the keyboard, you're stripped bare people! You can hide, but you're only hiding from yourself so what would be the point? So if we're going to get all psychology and stuff, judging from the morsels which I've only just written (I prefer "written" as opposed to "typed") one could possibly deduce that I use a mechanism of sarcasm and and humour to ease my uncomfortableness when nervous. That's a good thing I guess. I also procrastinate like there is no tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure there WILL be a tomorrow, umm, tomorrow, so the fact that I actually sat down and created this blog is a huge feat and not to be taken with a grain of salt.

OK, well, it's late'ish and tomorrow is Father's Day so I'm going to head off to sleep and come back with a tad more interesting fodder for viewing, tomorrow. Not that I'm a Father but I do HAVE a Father and the required visitation of said Father requires me to wake up early in the morning, i.e. around 9am. Oh! Happy Father's Day to all of the Dad's out there - if you've been a good one that is. Or even if you've tried to be a good one.
I dedicate this post to you.

I truely hope you have enjoyed instalment number 1.

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