Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paying the bills

I guess before we get too far into blog proceedings, I should make a note here for existing and future readers, that from time to time, I dabble in the escort industry here in Brisbane. There! I said it! Phewwww the relief! *big expellation of air*

Whilst my background was working in the corporate arena for the first 13 years of my working life before I ventured into the escort arena, I never ever thought at any time in my life that I would ever dip my toes into the water as an escort. The thought just simply - Did. Not. Enter. My. Head. But one day it did enter my head. And one day I did dip my toe in the water and I have been lightly splashing it around in there for the past 2 years on and off, when finances required/motivated me to do so.

I guess I only really just wanted to get that out. I don't really feel like elaborating any further than that today. Although I hope that I haven't offended too many people and that if I have, I perhaps ask *nicely* that you try and walk in someone elses' shoes just a little before having too harsh an opinion. The escorts that work in the escort industry, together with the clients who see the escorts, are, just like life and all human beings in it, not black and white but all of the lovely and horrible deep tones of grey in between. So many stories, so many backgrounds, so many... everything. Hmmm. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. *Miss Brisbane shrugs shoulders with delight*

Today is a fucking beeEEEEEEAUTIFUL DAY! I for one am cleaning up my resumé for my 9-5 job, doing some housework/spring-cleaning and will be off to a girlfriend's house for dinner early this evening which I am very much looking forward to. We are going all low-key this evening - I am bringing a barbecued dead chook from Woolworths and a bottle of Pink champagne, another girlfriend is bringing another bottle of champagne and the girlfriend who is hosting will be providing dessert. It will be uber-lovely and I cannot wait as my girlfriend time is up there as one of the most important things to me. Despite having a man in my life, he does not take up the whole picture even though he is a very important part of the whole picture.

Hmmm. Yes, I feel good. :)


Erika said...

Well here is another escort if you need support! Im here!

Miss Brisbane said...

Thank you beautiful lady. Right back at ya'. :)
